Day 22 – #30DaysOfCovid
The dandelions are quite intense these days.
Bei den renommierten FAPA 2020 konnten alle drei eingereichten Arbeiten eine Nominierung erzielen:
It’s been a long-lasting dream of mine to run across a field of dandelions, but it’s rare to find such a thing nowadays.
Initially, I wanted to do something torch-like with flowers or reed.
I wanted a picture amidst a blooming meadow with only my legs sticking out when I lay down.
Gooseflesh is part of swimming in natural waters, especially at this time of the year.
As a contrast to the previous image, which involved the three elements earth, air and fire, here’s one with the fourth element, which is very
Windy and dry, perfect conditions for an image of dust against a dark background.
Birgit Zimmermann ist professionelle People- und Tierfotografin.
Zuhause bei Aßling, tätig im Raum München, Starnberg, Rosenheim, in ganz Bayern sowie international.
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