Day 28 – #30DaysOfCovid
Belonging to a sequence of the last 4 images of this series.
This sequence is in preparation of my last two images of the 30Days series, which I will probably procrastinate on for a while until I
The other thought with this dyad of images (see yesterday’s) was to visualize how on Social Media, we literally
Although the common Steckerlwald, as the monocultural pinewood forests are called in German, is not a beautiful thing per se, I am always fascinated by
Still raining and cold, which is a blessing after the drought… I wanted to use this situation to create a dark and moody photo in
It’s been a long-lasting dream of mine to run across a field of dandelions, but it’s rare to find such a thing nowadays.
Initially, I wanted to do something torch-like with flowers or reed.
Birgit Zimmermann ist professionelle People- und Tierfotografin.
Zuhause bei Aßling, tätig im Raum München, Starnberg, Rosenheim, in ganz Bayern sowie international.
Tel.: +49 173 3587589 · E-Mail: hi@bz-fotografie.de · Kontaktformular · Newsletter
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English/International Website · Equine Adventures · Citypfoten München · ice-horse.de
Alle Inhalte © 2010-2022 Birgit Zimmermann.