Day 10 – #30DaysOfCovid
I’ve wanted to work with humid soil for quite some time.
As I’m proceeding with this project, I wonder if this is my personal escape from the reality we all deal with these days.
I wanted to show the soft and vulnerable human skin against the gnarly bark of a tree and found this amazing pine in a little
Originally, I wanted to do a levitation shot and schlepped my posing stool all the way to the location at another one of my favorite
Trying to visualize how I feel limited in my actions but still inspired enough to create.
Staged at one of my favorite meadows which works best at sunrise.
We haven’t had any rain for too long, so I decided to try a little rain dance.
There is a place in the woods where the light is particularly beautiful when the sun sets, illuminating the trees from behind like fire.
I wanted to visualize the beauty in decay, and that in order to make room for the new, the old has to perish.
Birgit Zimmermann ist professionelle People- und Tierfotografin.
Zuhause bei Aßling, tätig im Raum München, Starnberg, Rosenheim, in ganz Bayern sowie international.
Tel.: +49 173 3587589 · E-Mail: hi@bz-fotografie.de · Kontaktformular · Newsletter
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Alle Inhalte © 2010-2022 Birgit Zimmermann.