Day 2 – #30DaysOfCovid

I wanted to visualize the beauty in decay, and that in order to make room for the new, the old has to perish.

Equipped with a withered flower from my garden and a vase, I headed for the woods. I chose a spot where I had noticed beautiful indirect light the day before, picked up a few forest flowers and arranged them in the vase with the withered one. But something didn’t feel right. It was like the vase was a foreign body in a perfectly natural setting. So I looked around and found this beautiful horsetail right in front of me. I chose to make it the sole focus of the image, with my pose emphasizing its scepter-like look.

To find a suitable combination of object and pose.

Chelsea Wolfe – The Warden (Maceo Plex Remix)

Don’t force your ideas upon the existing. Be open to the possibilities in front of you, and trust the process. And I can operate my remote with my tongue.